What Is Viral Marketing And How Can It Do Me Some Good?

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Dec 12, 1978 -

What is viral marketing and what does it do for me? Viral Marketing is a business tactic that utilizes existing social media sites to promote a company's product. Its name aptly translates into "a virus spreading", which is exactly what occurs when an user of a social network website (such as YouTube, MySpace, etc. ) promotes a product or service via the user's profile, news feed, posts, and other social media channels. Viral marketing has many benefits over traditional advertising, which includes increased traffic, lower cost per sale, and less overall expense. If you are considering getting into Internet Marketing and have never heard of viral marketing, don't worry, I will explain what it is in this article. How does web site promotion work? Viral Marketing works by users promoting their own business through their social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. The user then promotes the company by posting links to the company's web site, on their news feed, or on their social bookmarking sites such as Digg and Reddit. Link Promotions: When an user publishes a link to their own site, they often include a link to the web site in their profile. This allows the linking site to have a link from the user's site, which can bring the users targeted audience to the web site. As a result, users who are interested in the products and/or services of the company's web site will be directed to the web site, which increases the likelihood of a sale. Free Advertising: In order to increase the chances of a web site visitor clicking on a link posted by another user, you must give them something of value in return. This can range anywhere from free information, a coupon, or a discount code. When a person enters their email address into a form provided on a website, this automatically sends them an email promoting the company's product. Once the web site promotion is complete, you have a customer who has taken the first step in learning more about your products and/services. The next thing they do is to share this information with their friends, who are able to see your affiliate link, thus driving more traffic to your web site. This cycle continues until the traffic reaches the maximum possible amount you paid for it to reach. Viral Marketing is the most effective method of increasing sales because it allows you to drive targeted traffic to your web site. For example, if you were looking for a good deal on a laptop computer, you would not advertise at the local grocery store, nor would you buy from the computer store directly. This is because the people who enter your web site will likely be those individuals that are interested in the items and/or services you offer. Therefore, using viral marketing can not only drive targeted traffic to your web site, but it can also send them to your affiliate program, increasing your conversion rates and thus increasing your sales. That is what viral marketing can do for me!

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